Day 5

I had a great vinyasa flow class then tried to walk on the treadmill......but jeez, walking on a treadmill is like Chinese water torture. So I ended up running a short slow 2. I felt great but was scared to over do it.
My kids napped for a solid 3.5 hours yesterday, I was able to get in 2 hours of yardwork on a glorious day (wearing a T shirt outside in Feb? Unheard of) and cook up dinner. This was hard, as I wanted to eat it. I purposely made lots so that it could serve as my lunch for the next few days of the cleanse. I find myself craving simple, clean food like this ~ long grain brown rice, broccoli, red bell pepper, chicken, ginger, braggs and nutritional yeast.
This morning I was more than excited for my shake :). We spent a lovely morning outside at Freedom Playground with friends and had our first outdoor picnic lunch of the season (I can't even say spring yet, its FEB!). Watching kids run around and enjoy themselves, to use their bodies so joyfully and freely makes me wish more adults did the same. Anyone ever hear of the MovNat philosophy? I love it. I'm anti paleo, but the rest of it I am all over. Our bodies are meant for movement.
I enjoyed every bite of my delicious lunch and now am downing more decaf green tea. I think that I live perpetually dehydrated ~ this cleanse is showing me exactly how terrible I am at drinking water. It is an area which I need to drastically improve in.
I'm off to move my body this afternoon when the kids wake up ~ though it pains me as it is almost 60 out I have to run on the treadmill as Nate is out of town. It is so hard, SO HARD to walk in from glorious sunshine and place oneself on a machine. I'd like to get in at least 6 today, though with it being a late afternoon workout that could be a bit of a struggle.
LOL @ Chinese water torture. And I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to come in from the sunshine and exercise on a machine. It's just not natural. Glad the cleanse is getting easier.