Running gear utopia

I have achieved it.
Compression socks, running skirt (from Lucy), long sleeve tech shirt with thumb holes (From EMS) , vest armed with iPod with newly updated fantastic playlist, and my iPhone in my vest pocket with mapmyrun keeping my distance and pace for me and my trusty (and probably crusty) north face hat. My entire run today I was thinking "What am I going to do when it gets hot????? Friends: Please, when Mothers Day or my birthday approaches, PLEASE hint heavily to Nate that an iPod Shuffle and a Garmin or Nike GPS running watch would be lovely, much appreciated gifts :)
Beautiful run today. Today is day one of my cleanse ~ had the shake (tasty) for breakfast and a salad with grilled chicken for lunch. Shake tonight. Just heard the baby wake from his nap so it's off to the park we go. Luke recently learned to ride a bike and is all excited to show off his new mad skills. Gorgeous day in PA, what an insane winter we are having!
What are your favorite things to run in/with?
Lookin' good, my friend!
ReplyDeleteYour rockin' that outfit! It almost looks like you are off to play field hockey! I came across two songs yesterday when I was nesting like crazy and listening to my ipod. Not sure if they are what your're looking for but check them out. Rock and Roll by Eric Hutchensin and Lonly Boy by Black Keys.