My beautiful little downtown ~ I love running through the safe streets in the pre dawn dark.

I knew the deal this time, so it was much easier and less intimidating. I got up at 4:20, made some coffee and had a bowl of cottage cheese with strawberries. My clothes were all laid out downstairs so I didn't have to wake Nate up. I got in the car, which was frosty, it was dark and 30 degrees out. Threw on my hat and gloves, and drove the 2 miles to the borough. Got in a slow 3 miles. It is surreal being out in the dark running through the sleeping town. I am passionately in love with my town ~ I love having it all to myself in the pre dawn hours. Little by little you start seeing other runners, small groups here or there running this way or that way. Gradually all of those individuals and groups converge, jogging out of the darkness into the lamp light at the corner where we meet. There were about 60 of us this week. We run. Up, down, over and over. The first two are the hardest for me, then it gets easier as I get angrier. Hills make me angry, and I find that just putting my head down and channeling my anger into speed gets me through the workout most effectively. The group finishes, then takes off for about a 3 mile cool down run. It was awesome, I hung with the pack much better this time than two weeks ago. It's very humbling running with these serious runners, I feel like a little kid trying to tag along! I was home before 7, every one was asleep, and one by one they woke up and my day began. Today was a cross training day, so I did my HIIT class which was a killer today. Tomorrow I am going to rest. Right now I just got out of the jacuzzi, the kids are sleeping, and I'm going to take a nap as I have a long afternoon of basketball and cooking ahead of me. Starting the day at 4 something makes a nap mandatory. These hill workouts will segue into track workouts starting in March. Can't wait to try/learn something new!
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