When the universe feels aligned against you.....

Do it anyway. Force yourself.

Man I've had a little run of bad workout luck this past couple of days. I am an extremely black and white thinker and I am a person who needs and always has a plan. My days are planned to a T, and when the plan gets set off track, I get distinctly uncomfortable and annoyed.

Friday morning I had a hell of a workout in Athletic Conditioning. I used a 25 lb kettlebell, and between the walking lunges with the bell, the insane amount of swings and snatches and squats, and the 100 box jumps with 6 risers/side.......my ass is still killing me. Literally. I could have run after that workout, I had a decision to make. Run on the treadmill and go buy a birthday present with all 3 kids after nap, or go get the gift then, and run in the rain as per the original Friday plan. Me being me, I stuck with the original plan and went to get the gift, then pick up the kids at preschool. This turned out to be a bad decision, as Jake pulled a fast one on me and fell asleep on the ride from the store to preschool, which he never does. This meant that this fun rainy run I had been planning was going to be off. He slept in the car while I fed the kids and got them off to bed at 1:30. By 2, Jake was awake. I fed him and with a break in the rain, decided to try to take him for a run in the stroller. The weatherman was way off, and instead of it being almost 70 it was about 48 and misting. It was damp, and cold. I wrapped up Jake in my down coat like a burrito, and set out. He started crying 1.75 miles into the run, and I hightailed it home, thwarted and a little sad.

We had a great, and much too late, time out on Friday night. Despite being tired, I was at the gym at 8:15 as per the plan to meet Tiffany for a body bar class followed by a 45 minute HIIT class. About 45 minutes into the first one, I got yanked due to poor Luke and the little puking in the treehouse incident. Again, thwarted. I felt off kilter all day.

Today? I took the kids (no further illness occurred, it seems to have been a one off thing) to the gym but didn't even wear my workout clothes, as I had a long run planned with Tiffany at 1.30. At 11 I get a text from her that due to excessive merry making last night, she could not run. THWARTED again!!!!

I decided that I could again let it ruin my day, and ruin my workout, or I could get over it, adapt, and get my ass out the door on my own. SO GLAD I did as I just got in a glorious almost 9 on a beautiful beautiful sunny day.

I get why people don't work out. I really do. It can be incredibly inconvenient. You have to do it anyway. Your body and your mind will thank you tremendously.


  1. Yes! If I can just get my butt out the door (without letting anyone else or my own lack of motivation get in the way), I can get business handled. But those first steps are often the hardest. Congrats on getting it done and doing it well. :)

  2. I find that when it is hardest for me to get out the door, those are the days that I need to it the most and feel fantastic afterwards.

    This is just one of those lessons I have had to learn (and still struggle with) on my journey to being healthy.

  3. I've been out of work for a long time. Sent my resume out to over 500 jobs. Nadda unless it's stupid stuff or 100% commission. About to lose my house. Just cut my boob with my razor in the shower. Can't get anyone to do anything with me. I'm alone most of the time.


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