
So, I'm about to do something weird.

I've been feeling thick and sluggish, anxious and just a little off balance. I'm about to start an 11 day Isagenix cleanse ~ I have no idea how this is going to go, but wish me luck. Tomorrow is day 1. I'm going to kick things off with a nice long run, but as thing progress may cut back on my running and pick up a daily yoga class. I need to jump start a little more calm, and a little more mindfulness, and I'm hoping that this may be the help. I'm also thinking that taking a few pounds off while increasing my mind/body connection and resting my legs a little bit may help as I start to gear up the mileage into the 40-50 mile per week range (my goal for March and April).

Anyone ever do a cleanse before? Thoughts???


  1. Do you know anyone who's done this before? I had to google it to learn more as I have never heard about it. I don't know if it's going to be enough food for you, given the amount that you exercise, even if you swap yoga for running. Are you concerned that you would lose strength, as I know that's important to you? I am sure you've put a lot of thought and research into this decision, but I will admit that I am a bit nervous for you.

  2. Just wanted to chime in here as I am the one who introduced her to Isagenix. Lots of athletes swear by this, and my husband who runs and does yoga and P90X has done it as well. Melissa can always drink an extra shake or consume more calories if she needs to after yoga. On the other end of the spectrum, my parents, who will be 70 this year (my mom has rheumatoid arthritis and is close to chair-bound), have done it as well. I won't say it is easy, but it is doable and most people are amazed at how great they feel during and after. Btw- it is a cleanse at the cellular level, not a bowel cleanse. Hope this helps!

  3. Hey Meg :) Thanks hun. I do know several people who have done it. Yesterday was a shake day and I managed to run just fine right after lunch. Today is another shake day and again I am planning a run with a friend not long after lunch. On cleanse days I'm planning nothing but yoga (also good for my running to have two days in a row off of running, I'm thinking). After the insanely hectic pace from thanksgiving through....well last week (between hosting events, job hunting and the rollercoaster that that entailed, the holidays, Nates school and work schedule) I'm desperate for a way to slow down a little and find my balance now that he is thrilled with his new job and life can slow down just a tiny bit. I'm truly hoping that this can help me. If it doesn't, I figure it can't hurt, at least I tried.

  4. My husband did this and he felt great when he was done. Swears by it....good luck!


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