Day Four

So I'm on day four. Day two of "cleansing". I treated myself to a virtual spa day yesterday to help get me through what I anticipated being a tough day. I woke and drank my 4 oz of cleanse, took some new vitamins that I recently started, and got the kids off to the gym. I got to yoga 20 minutes early, so set up my mat and got in the sauna listening to Snatam Kaur on my iPod as I lay prone with my eyes closed. This is my absolute favorite meditation or yoga or relaxation music ANYWHERE. In fact, I listened to it for about 12 straight hours during the intense portion of Jake's birth. I then went on to have an amazing class, feeling strong and good. After class I drank 32 oz of water, and got back in the sauna for 20 more minutes of shavasana and Snatam Kaur. Came home, got the kids fed and Luke off to school, then got Jake and Jules off to their naps at 1. I immediately filled the Jacuzzi, made myself a honey and sugar scrub, and jumped in. After soaking I got out and exfoliated with the scrub then rinsed in the shower. I then moisturized my entire body with olive oil with some lavender oil, jumped back in the shower to rinse and scrub, then got back in the tub to soak. I was reading some of my favorite magazines and felt blissful, honestly. I felt pampered.
I had to eventually end my faux spa bliss by waking up Jake to go get Luke at school. I let Jules keep sleeping as if she wakes up she can entertain herself without interrupting Nate's work.
We had Bball for Luke that night, so I fed the kids snacks while I had my 3rd cleanse drink. This was hard, I admit to wanting to snack. I am so so so conscious at the moment of how many times in a day I just throw food in my mouth without being conscious of even doing so ~ that 1/4 of a sandwich or that handful of goldfish. Luke had his Bball, then I unexpectedly found out that Nate had to go to school for a tutoring session instead of being with us at dinner/helping with showers. That made me grumpy, REALLY grumpy, as it meant I had to get all three home from our dinner out with Mom Mom and Pop Pop (where, again, I felt weird not eating) and shower them and get them all to bed. I had my 4th cleanse drink. I wondered if some of my grumpyness was due to circumstances, or hunger. Once they were sleeping I admit that I was really, REALLY hungry. I made myself my 3000th cup of herbal tea, and went to sleep. This morning I feel great, ready for another round of yoga and meditation and cleansing. So far, I'm a fan. I hope someone else out there enjoys Snatam Kaur as much as I do!
Do you meditate? Pray? What is your form of spiritual practice or discipline? Do you ever listen to music while you do it? What kind?
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