Yoga Week

Yesterday kicked off yoga week with a lovely 75 minute class with Cheryl. Nate was off as it was presidents day and we took the class together. I have to admit that having a husband who I can share passions like running or yoga with is a gift, and one that I truly appreciate. The class was wonderful, and on day two of my cleanse my head felt clear and I was able to center more easily than usual. I took advantage of the beautiful weather and the built in babysitter and got in an 8 mile run with Tiffany at 1. Knowing that it would be my last run for a bit, I savored it. We worked hard and had some BIG hills to contend with as we explored new parts of HM and the golf course.
Last night was the first hard night of the cleanse as I went out to dinner with my family, came home and had my shake, then rushed off to book club (which doubles as dinner and wine club). As I am trying to honor this commitment to this cleanse, I dutifully skipped both meals in lieu of my shake.
Today is the first cleanse day. I'm planning a 75 minute flow yoga class this morning. The rest of the day is rather restful and I'm hoping to get in an hour of meditation/shavasana while my kids sleep. This was my second week at or over 40 miles, now I am looking forward to giving my legs a rest as I give my body (and mind!) a chance to heal, lengthen, and relax.
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