I suck at this rest thing.

But it's my anniversary and I wanted to keep my mind off the fact that my wonderful husband is in Boston. Nate recently accepted a fabulous new job offer and as of Monday is working for a new company for the first time in 13 years! Though it is a great opportunity for him and for our family, it is going to mean several months of hard core travel....coupled with school.....which means lots of stress for both of us. I DO, however, get to see him tonight as he gets in in time to celebrate with me. I got lucky ~ I married a great, great man 6 years ago today! He is my biggest fan when it comes to my running, and without his support and encouragement I would never have mustered up the courage to train for a Marathon. We are a great team.
Today I did Bootcamp and ran 5 on the treadmill ~ was supposed to run outside with a girlfriend but it was too icy to feel safe. For some reason the daily mile widget thing is not updating my last two runs, which is driving me slightly insane. Anyone know why?
Was talking to a friend today who was talking about being afraid to sign up for a race, though she would really like to. Anyone out there want to start running (or something else, biking, golf, tennis etc) but too intimidated to give it a shot?
Happy, Happy Anniversary, my friend! I think you may have gotten "lucky" to find on another, but were smart enough to hang on. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary!