A case of the Mondays?

I woke up this morning distinctly grumpy. I have no excuse, I was asleep by 9:30 and slept till 7. I think that subconsciously the knowledge that Nate is away most of the week, then at school, then I'm away, and then its Easter chaos has me a little rattled. I feel a little tired just thinking about it all.

I went to a wonderful and very physical yoga class this morning with Tiffany and Regan, lots of time spent in crow, baby crow, dolphin, chataranga and other challenging poses. We did a "fire series" of leg and ab work which left me sweating. I had planned on a long run with Tiffany this afternoon, but after coming inside after preschool pick up I was awed at the strength of the wind. I let it psyche me out. We had planned on 10 then downgraded that to 6. We changed up our run plan and decided to run through neighborhoods instead of the park, so that the houses could buffer the wind some. I started grumpy, tired, and generally PMS'y. I finished rosy and happy and strong. We did our 10, to boot. I feel like I am really well positioned for Broad St at this point, which is only about 6 or so weeks away. I can run 10 hilly miles at about a 9 minute pace while talking comfortably, I'm hoping I can run 10 flat miles not talking at about an 8 minute mile. We'll see. That may be overly aggressive. Physically I feel great right now, my no stretching not drinking enough training randomly strategy seems to be really paying off :)

This is one of my favorite Rumi quotes (though I have hundreds of favorite Rumi quotes). Today I was down on myself. I felt as though I was crawling. I'm grateful that I found my wings this afternoon. May you find yours, too. I'm tucking my wing into bed at 8:15 tonight ~ sad that I can't get a track workout in the the morning as Nate is away but will look forward to a good morning of cross training.


  1. Congrats on the 10, despite the wind. You are rockin' it.


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