
It just is what it is right now. I don't have the time at the moment for a long run on a regular basis, so I have to take it where I can get it. Today was Julia's birthday party at school, which was adorable. I had about exactly an hour to drop them off, get to the park, run with Jake, and get back in time for the party. Yes, I was that Mom who showed up in running gear and post 6 to my child's celebration. Time is precious and I just don't care. I got the kids bathed after lunch and jumped in with them, then caught a precious hour nap (last night was a late night). When Jake woke I got in some weeding outside in this ridiculous hot weather, then when the others awoke I got in a quick 6 at the gym. Came home to heartily enjoy a bounty of pizza and wine.

I have my clothes laid out for an early morning run.....though I don't know if I will pull it off. I have about 5 loads of laundry to fold (laundry can wait, right?????) and outdoor bootcamp tomorrow.

I really think that running is becoming, or has become, my way of coping with Nate's school. I can't explain enough how difficult this is, and running has become my safe place, the one place where I am in control and can feel as though I am meeting every need. I'm stretched thin, folks. I miss my husband, while admiring him greatly for the hard work he is doing. I know it is necessary, and important, yet there is a part of me that rails against it and wants it just to be *done*. It can't be done, so I need something to focus on in the interim. Running has become that thing. I love that first step, and usually am sad at my last step. My body loves it, but my mind craves it.


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