It's long run Friday.

Today is long run Friday. The kids are staying for lunch bunch so that I can run some errands and let it warm up a little before Jake and I hit the trail. Have to come home for nap time, then we will all go to the gym together so I can finish my run. These two part run days are so weird, I simply don't know how else to get in long ones with Nate away so much!
ETA: I forgot to add MY goal! My goal for today is 16. It will be a new long distance. I had some homemade raisin bran muffins and Greek yogurt for breakfast, went to homegoods in my new "spring decorating fervor", put my stuff away and gave Jake an early lunch, then hit EG park and got in 8 (my goal was 6) on a windy cold day. I will admit that getting out of the car into the 41 degree gray windy weather felt torturous. I felt positively VICTORIOUS upon completing 8 in 1:17 (9:38 pace) ~ pushing 60 lbs of kid and stroller up hills and into wind is a special sort of running. Let me tell you. I literally have to put my head down and PUSH. It's hard. I would rather run in snow, pouring rain, sleet, a 90 degree day with 90% humidity.....or most anything other than wind and a stroller. Its just damn hard. Jake was the perfect gentleman, sleeping through the entire run. I came home and made a huge double batch recovery smoothie with Muscle Milk, a banana, oats, peanut butter and two scoops of the Isagenix mix. It was HEAVENLY. Cleaned the house and jumped in the jacuzzi with jake, and got dressed for round 2. Snacking now on some fresh out of the oven roasted butternut squash as I wait for the bigs to wake up. I actually can't wait to run again. I think I'm hooked on this running thing. Don't tell anyone.
Do you have a goal for today? What is it?
Today's goal is just to get out for a run. Yesterday's efforts were thwarted by vomiting sessions - and resulting dirty running clothes / change of priorities! Are you really up at 430 am or is the clock wrong?
ReplyDeleteToday was an elliptical hill session for me as Bill wasn't home until very late and it was pouring rain. I will say that I love 40 degrees though. It's probably cold compared to the nice days you have had, but it's awesome for Feb up here. Can't imagine pushing that much weight while running though. You are a BAMF. :)
ReplyDeleteOh and two a days? You are amazing. Enough said. :)
ReplyDeleteJeannie, did you do it? And yes, the clock was wrong, I crawled out of my cozy bed with Nate at about 6:50 to make sure I had time to do sexy things like empty the dishwasher and write in my blog and catch up on facebook before the kids got up.
ReplyDeleteKarly, what is a BAMF? I like this two a day thing. I've lost interest in a lot of the classes I was so addicted to as my love for running deepens ~ I want to save myself if that makes sense. I'm really really shocked and thrilled that today worked ~ if the universe was working against me last weekend it was surely working with me today.
I want to hear more about elliptical hills ~ I want to add diversity as right now cardio for me is just the stairs or running ~ do you do the ones with the arm thingies? And do you do them on a setting, or just freewheel it? What kind of elliptical? I feel like my knees are hungry to know more about it.
And thanks, I'm not amazing, just living in amazingly difficult circumstances which make running my medicine. The only amazing thing would be if I was surviving relatively mentally intact without an outlet like running.
Bad Ass Mother Effer. ;)
ReplyDeleteI totally understand running for survival and mental health. Totally. As for the elliptical ~ we have a Precor, no moving arms (hate those for some reason). There are a bunch of preset hill programs which basically crank the incline up (or down) to simulate the hill elevation. You still manually control the tension adjustment. The programs on our Precor also prompt you to pedal forward and backward (the total time you enter is divided into 4 equal segments...forward, backward, forward, backward). I feel like this is nice for giving some balance to front and back leg muscles which is my goal with xtraining anyway. The elliptical is really smooth/stable, so I can set the iPad on top and stream Netflix (with earphones) while sweating some hills. Makes inside cardio much more tolerable for me. I am terrible at zoning our otherwise and am counting down the minutes even when I have the numbers covered.
Should I even mention my "starting back up" goals at this point? Seem so wimpy compared to yours. ;-) My goal for "yesterday" was to run another eight minutes (in the evening, when Daniel got home from work, since I didn't run yesterday morning), but I wound up running ten minutes... and wanted to run more SO BADLY, but made myself stop. I hear you on strollers and pushing, had to push Hannah myself yesterday since Daniel had to go shopping for new shoes right after work, but thankfully no wind or cold to contend with. I've had those days in the past where I had to deal with the wind, though. Definitely not fun.
ReplyDeleteI use an elliptical, too. I talked to someone recently who had a bad knee and he said they recommended he use an elliptical, and he said it really helped him. It has helped my knee as well.
Mary that is fantastic, you set a goal and you not only met it, you eclipsed it.
ReplyDeleteKarly ~ talk to me about this streaming thing. We are reconsidering our technology ~ which at the moment relies on my kindle, On Demand for movies for us, and some old outdated DVD player that we keep in our bedroom for the kids.
Do you stream everything? Does it rely on something (like a video game thing, or a bluetooth, or something from your internet or cable provider?)
We are archaic in some senses when it comes to household technology ~ and while I want to not include the video game option in the equation, it seems like there are a lot of other options that would enable us to access things like movies or whatnot without resorting to a video game router. Sorry for going to you (again) as my tech person.......I've tried now twice to update my i{hone and it keeps not working for me and messing up my iPhoto in the process. I suck.
We actually got rid of cable last summer (just kept Internet). We aren't big TV watchers, so it wasn't a big deal. We watch local sports on network broadcasts, but coverage of other games would be the one thing we miss. As for equipment, we do have a Wii, but never use it for gaming just to stream Netflix. If you watch a lot of DVDs (we don't...I hate clutter and don't care to have discs around), you can get players that also can stream Netflix. Our favorite though is the Roku player. It was $50 and you can stream Netflix, Hulu Plus or Amazon Prime. We pay for a streaming-only plan from Netlix and just add disc service when there is something new we want to watch (like Dexter, True Blood, etc). It depends on your preference, but we were never sitting down to watch movies and find that it nice to catch up on older TV shows (sans commercials) with Netflix. I also enjoy documentaries and they have lots available. We have an iPad and have found it to be the most versatile for the money...the kids play educational games (drawing letters, reading, etc), I borrow books from the library to read and we can also stream videos (it's nice to have PBS shows available when staying at a hotel, etc...I can't stand kids programming on TV with all the crappy commercials for toys I will never buy them).
ReplyDeleteTHanks Karly. Nate has been bugging me to get on this for some time now and I watch so little TV that I keep putting it on the back burner. That said, I would LOVE to have seasons of things from channels that we don't get (Like showtime or Starz) as I hear that they have some excellent ones out there. We are iPadless at the moment though Nate is getting one any day now for school.....but I have a feeling that he is going to keep it away from the kids more than not as it is from School. To date we have kept them off of all technology, but its time to go for it with Luke entering Kindy next year. Deep breaths. Thanks for the Roku recommendation.........