This is so very true for me ~ both with running and with yoga. I suffer from the over active mind and body ~ I like to be in motion, even when it would be better for me to be at rest. My mind is the sort that leaps from one thing to the next, and I go through phases where I am up worrying or fretting or playing out impossible and ridiculous situations in my mind at odd hours of the early morning. Yoga stills me. Today I felt incredibly centered (or was it just exhausted after a late night with friends?). The egg hunt was a decidedly chilly 40 degree and misting rain sort of event, and a huge lunch perked up my spirits and warmed my body after that chaos. (Thanks Dee for the help with the kids). I took a lovely two hour nap while the kids slept, got a big old dinner together (London broil, roasted potatoes, caprese and a salad) and am so looking forward to a night with my husband and basketball.
As soon as Nate walked in from school I was in my running gear and out the door~ it was misty and cold, but nice for a very intentionally slow trot around the neighborhood. I wanted to try the new shoes out outside and give myself a stretch after yesterdays hard workout and less than healthy post run libations. My legs felt heavy and tired ~ tomorrow is going to be a day of rest and yet another egg hunting party. My anxiety is ramping up as I leave for the beach Monday morning, get home Wednesday night, have a playdate friday morning, and 27 people coming on Sunday for Easter dinner. I don't know if the beach is a brilliant move, or going to make things harder, but I am looking forward to getting away.
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