Cross Training

I followed that up with 60 minutes of HIIT on the BOSU ball for about 45 minutes, then a straight 15 minutes of sprints/suicides/grapevine type interval work on the gym floor. Felt like college field hockey practice for a bit there. I like the BOSU, though there was a bit of a learning curve with it ~ it takes a little bit of time to get used to its bounce and resistance. That said I feel like it is a great joint stabilizer, which I think helps with my running. I need new running shoes, these ones have about 350 miles on them so it is time to bid them adieu. I'm considering going back to the Nike Free SOLELY for running, and using one of my other pairs for cross training. Sometimes with all of the lateral movement/shuffling/plyo I feel like I am stretching out my running shoes in all directions, and I don't think that that is a good thing. From here on out, one shoe for running, one for cross training.
The forecast looks crappy and I won't run with Jake in crappy weather, so with Nate away I plan to hit the treadmill for a long run on Wednesday morning. I'd like to get 10 in but we shall see. Its been quite a while since I've done that distance on the mill. In other news I rather accidentally bought myself a Champion Juicer on eBay. More juice in my future. With the bounty of vegetables and green leafy's that we have available to us in spring and summer I am looking forward to adding another healthy component to the families diet. So, I'm juicin :)
That's a good point about the shoes, never thought of that! Have fun with the juicer.