Cross Training

Today I did 45 minutes of stairs and a HIIT class. HIIT can also be called Tabata, I've seen both names used interchangeably. From what I have seen, it seems to attract a lot of the same type of people who are attracted to Crossfit. Major difference is that Crossfit seems to use equipment (tires, sandbags, balls, bars etc) while HIIT seems to focus more on only utilizing ones own body weight in terms of resistance. Lots of plyometrics, planks, burpees, push ups, sprints, jumping jacks etc etc. Basically, you start moving and don't stop for 60 minutes. The class takes place on a giant court, and there are about 60 people in it. It is very motivating to be pushed to your limit using only the weight of your own body and/your own speed, and I love it. I find the plyo to be great for my legs and core, and ultimately I think that this sort of dynamic movement can be really beneficial for speed work training as well.
I came home and got every one fed ~ Luke is off to his one day of enrichment, the other kids are sleeping, and I just had a great shower and threw open all of my bedroom windows ~ set my phone for 45 minutes, and am grabbing a power nap. I earned it. It's over 70 outside, so we have an afternoon at the playground ahead of us ~ this weather is simply incredible and unheard of for March and it would be a sin to let it go to waste. In other news, I'm again failing to hydrate well, especially given the temps. Must. Drink. More.
perhaps tmi..., but my goal is to keep my pee almost completely clear to prove to myself I'm staying hydrated.
ReplyDeleteYour workout sounds great! I see a lot of people at my gym doing something similar, and it looks like a fun, but challenging exercise. I'm addding it to my list of goals after the baby arrives. Do you do water bottles? I've found that's the key (for me) to drinking more water. Not sure how the pink water bottle with the flip straw became the golden ticket--maybe because it's cute and portable? Oh and it's completley leak proof!
ReplyDeleteMeg, no. I totally earth kill and either don't drink ,or tote around seltzer at it seems to be the only water I tend to chug. Earth.Kill.Me. I use them several times and then recycle them, but I'm sure that Mother earth is crying. I really hate plastic, hate it, and feel like all of the water bottles that I get have either a plastic or a metal taste, and I skeeve both. For some reason cold seltzer gets me around this. Hell, even hot seltzer gets me around this. On the recommendation of Jeannie I'm looking into getting some carbonator magic thing, Jeannie....what's it called? Some magic device that turns a relatively unpalatable substance into a drinkable one. Whatever they call that, that isn't coffee beans. A bubble maker.
ReplyDeleteAnd Jeannie, thanks for making me a little weird about looking at my pee. I feel like I"m pregnant again and waiting for something magic (involving a few of the GROSSEST yet most apt phrases known to man kind...........mucus plug or bloody show) to happen. At this point clear pee feels about as "magical" as the whole "going into labor" thing did at 39 weeks :)