Oh, they bright.

So, I cheated on both my running store and my grocery store yesterday.

A new Whole Foods just opened in Glen Mills. The store is ridiculous. The rice/bean bins alone were such a thing of beauty that I almost sprung a tear. I treated myself to a beautiful lunch ~ some day when my children are grown I will be that person who goes to the grocery store every day to roam and savor and pick out a fresh, delicious ingredients to make for that nights dinner. Someday.

I also found a new running store. I felt like I was cheating on my store. They actually videotaped me running and came up with a shoe for me. A bright shoe. I have a good safe running stride, I don't heel strike, I land mid foot and spring off of the ball of my foot. I don't have pronation or supination issues. All good. So, I'm in a "barefoot" Nike Free. It is LOUD. I broke the lady in with a 10 mile jaunt on the treadmill yesterday afternoon. Could have gone forever, but Laura and Sara came over last night so I had to race home to get some pizza in the oven and mushrooms on the grill. Have I mentioned that I am deeply in the throes of a grilled portobello mushroom frenzy? It was a LATE night for me, and I'm up for a 90 minute flow yoga class this morning. I need it, I feel tight and tired. The Easter Egg hunt at the gym follows, though the 40 degree rainy weather may put a damper on that. Hoping to get in a short run this afternoon when Nate gets home from school as I want to try the shoes outside.


  1. I think I need shades for viewing those shoes! They look really fun. How awesome that you had a great run in them right off the bat? I swear my calves are still a little "woah" about my new shoes, but I do love them. Also so amazed that you can run 10 on the dreadmill. You are awesome. Run on.

  2. I love them, they are too cute. No worries about not being seen by crazy drivers, lol.

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  4. I love the color. (No surprise there, right?) How are they "barefoot"? hard to tell from the photo

  5. Jeannie, I think that its just some definition thing that Nike made up. They seem to have created this whole new "barefoot" thing which is different from the "minimalist" thing. Obvs you are wearing full shoes, however, which is nothing like being actually barefoot. The whole footbed moves around in an interesting way and they are ultra light, so the theory (I guess?) is that they allow your foot to react as though it is actually barefoot. This is what they say "The Nike Free Shoes were developed by Nike to give the customer more control over the shoe as opposed to having the shoes control the foot. Like other styles of barefoot running shoes, these shoes are supposed to allow your feet to move more naturally, thereby strengthening the feet and lower body and preventing injuries. The cuts in the outsole of the shoe makes the Nike Frees extremely flexible, allowing your foot to move with similar easy and flexibility as if it were barefoot."

    I don't know if I buy it or not, I guess we will see?

  6. You found my favorite running store! I just bought my last pair from there, Mizuno (though I don't run nearly as much as you). But I loved being able to watch how I actually ran on the treadmill. Let me know next time you are down here I can meet you for lunch at Whole Foods. Enjoy your new sneakers!

  7. Jen I would LOVE that. Friday AM's are usually good days for me as I only have Jake.

  8. Fridays are my worst! =( I have all 3 and a TRX class at 10:15. Eventually we will figure something out.


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