Pace Goal Setting.

The past few Mondays my Mom has watched my kids in the afternoon. When I say "Watched my kids" I pretty much mean "sat at my house while my kids napped) as she is here from about 1-4. Today when I got home at 4 Jake was just waking up and we ended up having to wake L&J at 4:30. This freedom is just HUGE for me. I have been able to make Dr's appointments, have meetings, do stupid errands that suck with kids along, and now, for the second time, RUN! I started my day with a great 75 minute Vinyasa Flow yoga class while the kids were in preschool, and felt good and had a fabulously healthy lunch afterwards. It was 70 today, and while I could have absolutely scrounged up a few more errands to do, I opted to order a dishwasher over the phone instead of spending 2 hours driving to a store and looking at them.....which freed me to run three quick errands, and then 8.5 quick miles. It was HEAVENLY. Not pushing anyone, not talking ~ Just running. Alone. Up and down hills, getting lost, getting found again, and getting in a glorious, fairly fast training run.
Nate is traveling this week, and in school this weekend.....and I'm thinking of taking a Sunday reward of a 10K race in Philly. I think that it would be a great training run to help me set a goal time for Broad St. Last year I did it in 1:22 (10 miles), this year I'm wondering if I could do it in 80 minutes. It may be too aggressive of a goal (especially given the crowd ~ 30,000 people to navigate), so I'd like to get in a race type situation to see if I can maintain that pace for a shorter distance. Only down side is that I missed on line registration, which is a headache. We'll see.
How do you set time goals for yourself? Do you? Or do you just run every race or every run for the sheer fun of running? I do both. I either am running to try to PR, or running with a friend/for fun. Very different mentalities, going in. I find myself looking forward to trying to go all out in one, and this 10K could be perfect timing as there is still about 7 weeks till Broad St.
I'm also looking for running sunglasses after my recent gross eye incident from running at the beach. Anyone wear some that they love? Link me?
Native Eyewear it's awesome! they have vent holes in the top so you don't get all steamed up. EMS does carry the brand so if you want to try them on you can do so there. They don't have all the styles but at least you can try them on to see them. here is a link